Meet the KPK Technology Team

We have no sales people, no project managers and no account managers. There are no extra layers of management separating you from the people who get the job done. We don’t employ coders, testers, or junior people either. All our developers are experienced at a system architect level. These people are more likely to “get it right” first time, not only because they understand your goals better, but also because they can spot the gaps and omissions in your requirements, and find the best solutions to your problems. After all, the biggest savings in software development (as is the case in many other areas of business) come not just from doing things right, but also doing the right things

Our team structure ensures the most transparent processes, direct communications, short feedback loops, and fast issue resolution. It also creates a level of motivation and responsibility that you simply won’t find in larger organisations

Lean development practices implemented by a micro-team consisting only of senior developers. Your benefit – more value AND lower risk.

  • All our staff are long-term, in-house employees.
  • We are relationship driven technologists.
  • Many developers need a spec, we need a vision.

You might think that to ensure success, serious software projects require large teams and even larger budgets. But the truth is that even if you go down that route, the risks are high!

OK, so your big name supplier might deliver the specified features according to the terms of the contract. But that doesn’t mean the end product will be a hit with your users! Besides, not everyone has the budget to take the ‘Hollywood’ approach to software development.

What if you’re an entrepreneur starting a new online venture? Or an owner-manager of a smaller business wanting to invest in internet technologies, or an “intrapreneur” working for a larger organisation, who is willing to innovate?

You probably can’t say “money is no object”. But you don’t want to take the risk of working with freelancers either. So, if you have an ambitious goal with technical challenges and are serious about seeing them through, where can you find the combination of expertise, reliability and affordability?

Why us ?

No doubt there are hundreds of IT companies in India. We stand out because of following reasons.

  • Time Commitments
  • Work Perfection
  • Creative Designs
  • 75+ Satisfied Customers
  • We, Your Tech Partner